Fundamentally we are all built the same. Yet most of us have an access problem. There is simply too much inner noise, too much focus on an inner negative story, and too much distraction from the “monkey mind” that won’t let up. It’s like trying to have an important conversation in a loud, noisy room.
These roadblocks prevent access to your inner wisdom or the guidance of divine forces. The hope lives in learning how to quiet the inner noise to find new access to the insight that is always there. With practice and discipline, you can create the inner conditions to access the still, quiet inner voice that has a higher perspective, and a wise point of view. We all have help. Each of us has access to divine, benevolent forces that want to guide us. We just need to commit to creating the conditions to hear them.
This guidance is referenced in all religious traditions. The Christian tradition calls this the “The Holy Spirit.” In Judaism, it is referred to as “Shekhinah.” In Islam it is known as “Ruh al-Qudus” Yet you don’t have to be a religious person to hear the guidance of a higher perspective or point of view. Frankly, your heart knows. The intelligence of the heart is the one you can learn to heed. It is the intelligence that knows what is in your best interest. You just need to learn how to create the inner conditions to hear its voice.
Sharing how to do this is my mission. I want to help you create the conditions to access your higher wisdom and guidance, which is at the “heart” of my inner life coaching offering. If you are interested in learning more, please schedule a complimentary Discovery Call with me. Let’s begin the conversation.